Marijuana and alcohol have long been portrayed as relatively similar...
Hedge fund billionaire Leon Cooperman is a stockholder in Green Thumb...
A new study from Stanford sheds light on how ketamine works in the brain...
The lines around what defines a healthcare company have been changing...
A trio of new studies show that too little or too...
In Missouri, a new law prohibits companies from marketing products as...
Los Angeles County is revisiting a plan to turn one of its few remaining...
Studies of more than 660,000 people suggest that not all dairy is...
California is kicking its climate change fight into overdrive by passing...
Low-carb diets are a popular way to lose weight, but a growing body of...
HarrisLogic uses data to identify prisoners that require...
Tempus, a technology company started by Groupon founder Eric Lefkofsky...
A study of middle-aged, overweight adults in Ireland suggests that...
Air pollution isn't just bad for health, it also harms the brain and is...
A massive earthquake with an initial 7.1 magnitude struck in the South...
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