10 things in tech you need to know today

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January 09, 2018


Good morning! Here is the tech news you need to know this Tuesday.

1. Facebook is putting an end to M, an ambitious digital assistant product unveiled two years ago that was supposed to be the company's answer to Apple's Siri and Google's Assistant. M, which was first announced in August 2015, used a mixture of artificial intelligence and human "trainers," to answer Facebook user's questions in the Messenger app.

2. Intel CEO Brian Krzanich publicly addressed the company's big chip vulnerabilities, which were identified by Google last week. These vulnerabilities could make it possible for a hacker to access sensitive information, like photos or passwords, from almost every PC, phone, and tablet. He said the response has been "remarkable".

3. Tony Fadell, the co-creator of the iPod and iPhone, has publicly criticised Apple and other Silicon Valley firms for their role in device addiction. He argued that adults and children alike are slaves to their phones and social media.

4. GoPro is cutting more than 250 jobs, bringing its global workforce to less than 1,000. Demand for the Hero5 model was soft during the holiday season, GoPro CEO said in a statement.

5. A worker at a factory in China operated by iPhone maker Foxconn died after jumping from a window, according to a statement from China Labour Watch, a US-based activist organisation, which cited information from employees. Ming Li was a dispatch worker from an agency at the factory in Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province. He lived at the factory, one of the company's largest in China.

6. Facebook struck a deal with Sony's music division to let users share music videos. As more and more Facebook users have included music or videos in their posts in recent years, the platform has required users to take down posts using infringing content.

7. Toyota and Pizza Hut are teaming up to make self-driving cars that could deliver pizza. Toyota revealed the e-Palette, an autonomous concept vehicle, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

8. Apple will be one of the largest beneficiaries from President Donald Trump's tax overhaul because as much as $24 billion could be freed up due to the lowered corporate tax rate, UBS Analyst Steven Milunovich said. Milunovich says that Apple has already been factoring in the lowered statutory US corporate tax rate of 25% — as proposed in President Donald Trump's tax overhaul — in its target capital structure, which determines how the company finances its operations and growth.

9. TransferWise is quietly launching its new "borderless" accounts and linked debit card to just 1,000 consumers. TransferWise first announced the "borderless" account, which lets people hold up to 28 currencies through one account, last May. It followed on from a similar product launched by rival international currency exchange WorldFirst.

10. Salesforce employees moved in to their new home in the recently-erected Salesforce Tower on Monday. At 1,070 feet and 61-stories high, Salesforce Tower is the biggest building in San Francisco.

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