4K televisions are starting to look like the biggest hit among new tech products

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4K televisions are starting to look like the biggest hit among new tech products

What products will be the next big money makers in tech? That's a question on the minds of many this week as CES, the giant industry trade show, gets under way in Las Vegas. With so many so-called smart products of every shape and size hitting the market, which will actually be successful?

Place your bets on 4K TVs. Also known as ultra-high definition, or UHD, sets, the devices should bring in more retail sales dollars than any other "emerging technology" gadget this year, as we can see in this chart from Statista, which is based on a forecast by the Consumer Technology Association. Already, 4K sets have proven to be a valuable market; they accounted for far more sales dollars last year than wearable devices, smart home appliances, and smart speakers. 

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