Instant Alert: The 7 worst mistakes you can make during a career change

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The 7 worst mistakes you can make during a career change

by Daniel Bortz on Jan 9, 2018, 4:47 PM


  • Mid-life, or drastic, career changes are possible — if you avoid common mistakes.
  • You shouldn't change careers simply for monetary purposes. 
  • Always research the field you're interested in, and take time to think before making a rash decision. 
  • Avoid going back to school prematurely, and don't neglect your networking. 

Changing careers is never easy—but it is absolutely possible. Just because you're on a dedicated career path doesn't mean you have to stay on it forever.

Sure, your family and friends may think you've lost your marbles when you announce plans for a midlife career change, but take heart: 59% of working adults say they're interested in taking the leap, according to a recent survey from the University of Phoenix School of Business.

Whether you're bored at work, burned out on a job, or simply want a fresh challenge, there are a number of considerations that go into a successful career change. Ignore them, and you're apt to succumb to one of the following common mistakes.

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1. Making a rash decision

Before changing occupations, you should do a deep dive to assess why you want to leave your current one. "You need to invest time to figure out why you're dissatisfied and what's going to make you more satisfied going forward," says Deborah Oronzio, a career-transition coach.

Ask yourself why you're unhappy—and answer honestly. You may simply be having a bad week or a bad month—or you may just hate your boss, not your industry.

"We all go through phases of unhappiness with our jobs," says Randy Block, an executive coach and staffing consultant. "You should be running toward something, not running away from something."

2. Choosing a new career based on salary

You obviously need to be financially strategic when choosing your next career, but don't base your decision solely on earning potential.

"If you take a high-paying job that doesn't match your interests, values, or strengths, you're not going to be happy," says Holly Genser. Would you be happy being paid more money to do a job you aren't into? Maybe at first, but the novelty will likely wear off sooner than later.

It's not that you should disregard salary when evaluating your options, but you must consider other important factors—like work-life balance and room for growth—in addition to compensation

3. Not researching the job market in your next field

Not sure what field you want to go into? Research industries and positions to find a good match for your skills and career goals, Genser says. Otherwise, you're throwing darts in the dark.

You can view job growth projections using the Bureau of Labor Statistics' occupational outlook handbook. Who knows, you might discover a field with above-average job growth that's perfect for your skill set, but something you never considered doing.

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