Instant Alert: 9 things only Southerners say

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9 things only Southerners say

by Mark Abadi on Jan 8, 2018, 12:15 PM


Southern Americans are well known for their distinctive dialect of English.

From its country twang to its unique vocabulary, there is a lot that sets Southern English apart from other US dialects. 

Graphic designer Joshua Katz mapped some of the most distinctive elements of Southern English in 2013 using data from the Harvard Dialect Survey of the early 2000s.

Here are nine things you'll only hear in the South.

SEE ALSO: 6 things only New Yorkers say, according to linguists

DON'T MISS: 27 fascinating maps that show how Americans speak English differently across the US

In the South, people refer to groups of two or more as "y'all" instead of "you guys."

Southerners also say "coke" as a generic term for carbonated drinks instead of soda or pop.

People along the Gulf Coast are the most likely to say "crawfish."

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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