Instant Alert: The deal to end the government shutdown saved the congressional trip to an elite gathering in Davos, Switzerland

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The deal to end the government shutdown saved the congressional trip to an elite gathering in Davos, Switzerland

by Joe Perticone on Jan 22, 2018, 5:36 PM


  • Congress reached a deal on Monday to end the government shutdown, allowing a delegation of lawmakers to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
  • President Donald Trump and a handful of cabinet officials are also slated to attend the elite gathering.

WASHINGTON — After Congress reached a deal to end the government shutdown in its third day on Monday, the congressional delegation heading to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland was back on track after almost being scrapped entirely due to lawmakers' need to stay in Washington.

Like most of the handful of members slated to travel to the annual elite summit, Democratic Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia was waiting on a decision from Congress. After the Senate reached a deal on Monday, Beyer, a former ambassador to Switzerland, decided to take the trip off hold.

"Rep. Beyer feels strongly that Donald Trump’s voice must not be the only point of view representing the United States at this gathering of world leaders where key issues like climate change will be discussed," Beyer's spokesman wrote in an email. "As a Member of Congress and former Ambassador to Switzerland, he is in a position to present a rational approach in contrast to the one from the President, and intends to attend the World Economic Forum to achieve that end."

Both House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows were holding back on committing to the trip until the government could be opened again. On Monday, their offices confirmed to Business Insider the trip was underway once again after the House passed the new spending bill.

Republican Sen. Bob Corker was on his way out to travel to Davos after the Senate passed their continuing resolution.

"That's why I'm dressed the way I am," Corker, wearing a fleece vest, told Business Insider.

Still not attending the forum is House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley, who canceled his trip earlier last week ahead of the shutdown. Crowley will instead spend the week in his district in New York attending events with constituents.

A White House delegation, including President Donald Trump, is also planning to attend the gathering in Switzerland.

Traveling alongside Trump will be several cabinet members, including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, and more.

SEE ALSO: Senate Democrats' deal with McConnell to end the shutdown could be dead on arrival in the House

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