Instant Alert: How a 32-year-old far right darling became the man who writes Trump's biggest speeches — and the one person people keep blaming for the shutdown

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How a 32-year-old far right darling became the man who writes Trump's biggest speeches — and the one person people keep blaming for the shutdown

by Michal Kranz on Jan 22, 2018, 6:14 PM


Now that Steve Bannon has left, perhaps one of the most polarizing figures in President Donald Trump's White House is senior policy adviser Stephen Miller.

At 32-years-old, he's been a rising star on the far right for years, making headlines precisely because of his controversial demeanor and statements.

Miller's importance in Washington, DC politics has grown even further as he emerged as a key player in talks to end the government shutdown, effectively serving as Trump's surrogate for crafting the White House position on immigration policy.

His hardline positions and knack for policy have made him a force to be reckoned with. But before Miller became a major figure in the Trump administration, he was an outspoken, conservative activist in high school and college, and worked on Congressional campaigns.

Here's how Miller became Trump's right-hand policy man:

SEE ALSO: Stephen Miller had to be escorted off CNN's set after his interview with Jake Tapper went off the rails

DON'T MISS: People keep blaming Stephen Miller for killing deals to end the shutdown

Stephen Miller was born in Santa Monica, California on August 23, 1985 to a Jewish family whose ancestors fled persecution in what is now Belarus. His family was liberal-leaning, but Miller says he became a stalwart conservative at an early age.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

In 2002 at age 16, Miller wrote in a letter to the editor that "Osama Bin Laden would feel very welcome at Santa Monica High School" because of the student body's anti-war attitude after 9/11. Soon enough, Miller began appearing on conservative talk radio in the LA area.

Sources: The LookOutUnivision, Politico Magazine

A video emerged in 2017 of him giving a student government campaign speech at Santa Monica High in which he argued that students shouldn't have to pick up their own trash because there are "plenty of janitors who are paid to do it" for them. The audience quickly booed him off the stage.

Sources: The Washington Post, Politico Magazine

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