Instant Alert: I spent a year and a half being a productivity machine — until I realized I'd been missing the point all along

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I spent a year and a half being a productivity machine — until I realized I'd been missing the point all along

by Ken Marshall on Jan 8, 2018, 12:49 PM


  • Author Ken Marshall writes that his most productive year and a half didn't result in reaching his goals. 
  • He had been writing post after post, lost motivation, and didn't make money.
  • His work hadn't been effective. 
  • To be truly successful, aim to increase productivity while maintaining a high level of effectiveness. 
  • Figure out what you spend your time on, map them against your long-term goals, and focus on just the activities that will help you get there. 

Three years ago I set out to create my first blog. It was a lifestyle blog (I had about as much creativity as a bag of rocks back then) that was going to change the lives of millions and make me rich in the process. I knew that all I had to do was write consistently and not give up.

In my mind, there was absolutely no way I could fail.

So I spent the next year and a half writing almost every single day. Researching, typing, and optimizing my posts. I wrote enough words to fill 3 full novels.

I was a productivity machine.

But one day, in the middle of a sunny weekend afternoon, I just couldn't bring myself to write anymore. I had about as much motivation as a recently neutered puppy.

So naturally, I began to procrastinate, which got me to thinking. Between mindlessly refreshing my Gmail inbox and watching recipe videos on Facebook, I started pondering my motives for maintaining the blog and then it hit me…

Like a right hook from Mike Tyson in his prime.

I hadn't made a single cent since starting my blog.

Not one. Nada. Zilch.

Now, perhaps if my goal had been to grow my influence and follower base slowly and then monetize with a book, podcast, or speaking career later on, this wouldn't be so alarming.

But the truth is, I didn't have an email list, any ads running on the site, a distribution strategy, or any other way to make money. I barely even had any monthly readers.

What happened?

I was too focused on being productive. Writing post after post without stopping to remember why.

You see, productivity is actually quite harmless and even necessary as a metric for keeping track of progress and assessing your current efforts.

It is defined simply as "an economic measure of output per unit of input." Or in more simple terms, getting more for less.

That's something we should all want. No argument there.

stress stressed man upset office computer fired

However, increasing productivity by itself should not be the end goal.

As illustrated by my own hard learned lesson, there needs to be more to the equation.

Let me introduce an equally if not more important consideration.

What's even more important than productivity?


Effectiveness is the measure of accomplishing the most important objective for your most ultimately beneficial pursuit.

Or as Business Dictionary brilliantly puts it…

"The degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved…effectiveness means "doing the right thing."

As an entrepreneur, you've got to constantly reevaluate your efforts against your intermediate and future business objectives.

You've got to have systems of introspection in place to ensure that you're not becoming better or more efficient at tasks that have nothing to do with the long term success of your business.

It's an easy trap to fall into.

Getting the most value out of your work

Getting the maximum return on our efforts is what we all want for our businesses. In the business world, that's part of an effective scaling process for any company.

As previously stated, at it's core intention, there is nothing wrong with increasing productivity.

But the true magic happens when you understand how to increase productivity while maintaining a high level of effectiveness.

All great entrepreneurs brilliantly walk the line between productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. They constantly learn how to get more of the right things done, in less time, with fewer mistakes along the way.

You've got to put systems in place to not only measure your organizations output, but also internal checks and balances that ensure your work is maintaining the level of quality that will get you to your future goal.

This involves active management of employees if you're part of a larger company, but also (and often forgotten) accountability for C level management and even ownership as well.

Ask yourself the following:

  1. What activities did my day consist of?
  2. What activities did my week consist of?
  3. Am I consistently achieving my monthly goals?
  4. Do my weekly and monthly goals still map to my vision for the future of the company?
  5. Do I still have the same future vision for the company or is it time for a change?
  6. What have I done that led to my biggest triumphs? How many of those actions am I regularly implementing?

You've got to make time on a consistent basis to step back from your day to day scrambling in order to ask yourself questions like those and reflect on the overall trend of the business.

Focusing on how quickly and skillfully you're moving is foolish if you're moving in the wrong direction.

working happy smiling work job laptop

Goal setting with effectiveness in mind

When you sit down to map out goals for the future, there are a few things to keep in mind if you want to avoid wasting effort and chasing after the wrong things.

1. Figure out your highest value activities.

All action is not good action.

Yes, doing is better than not doing but you've got to be headed toward the right things.

If you haven't heard of the Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) you're missing out. It's pretty righteous.

Coined by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, it basically states that 80% of events can be explained by 20% of the related observations.

In business, this means that 80% of favorable outcomes you experience can be attributed to 20% of the efforts involved to achieve them.

That's why it is imperative to understand which activities bring you the desired outcomes.

Once you've taken time to determine what these are, you've got to write them down so that you are passively reminded of their importance.

2. Map out your current activities with your future long term aspirations

Once you have a precise vision of where you want to go and what you'd like to achieve, your path will start to become clearer as well.

However, it's good to understand what activities are actually helping you get to where you want to be, and for this to happen you'll need to have a good grasp on what you do each day, why you do it that way, and if it maps to your future aspirations or not.

A successful journey depends on three factors. The map used to get there, the user's ability to read it, and a dash of faith.

Set aside an hour or two to walk yourself through the following steps. This will help you put everything into the right perspective.

Step 1. Get some kind of document up and running (personally I use Google Drive because it forgives my mistakes when I inevitably forget to save).

Step 2. Make four columns. One marked "activity", "reason for existing", "is it necessary for the survival of or long term success of the company ("is it necessary" for short)", and "long term goal" that it corresponds to.

Step 3. Take time to recognize, record, and consider every activity that takes up time in your day. Spend more time than you feel like spending on this. It's important.

After you get a better feel for which things you are currently doing, you'll be able to prioritize functions within your organization much more effectively. Which leads smoothly into the next point…

man working writing concentrating

3. Eliminate any activity that isn't high value

You've got to stop doing anything in your life that doesn't make you better in some way. Time is way too important of a resource for you to be disrespectin' it like that.

Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life. — Alan Lakein

Life for humans is a finite experience. Plus there is the ever present chance that a catastrophe could happen at any given time. Nothing is guaranteed.

That's why taking the time to step back and understand what activities you're participating in is so important. In business, what you say no to doing is just as, if not more important than what you agree to.

For that list that you just made, you've got to eliminate any activity that doesn't directly help contribute to the accomplishment of a future aspiration.

Get rid of it.

Stop doing it.


4. Have scheduled and regular sessions of self directed and external feedback

Having systems to hold yourself accountable as an entrepreneur are non negotiable.

Part of the appeal of starting and growing a business is the almost limitless amount of opportunity. No boss. No structure. It's what allows amazing human beings to create marvelous companies that change the world.

But it can also be a dangerous trap if not properly utilized.

I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better. I think that's the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself — Elon Musk

Clearly the man knows what he's talking about. Do you think SpaceX, (now PayPal), Tesla, Boring, or any other of that man's ventures would be possible without his insatiable desire to innovate and reiterate on his ideas?

Probably not.

Just like the activity you've completed above, you've got to schedule time on a regular and ongoing basis to check in with what you're doing and where your organization is headed.

Seek feedback from peers, mentors, customers, and anyone else who is qualified to help you. This level of accountability will help keep you on track and making sure you're doing the right work.

More importantly, it will also help you stay relevant and generate novel ideas that could replace your current trajectory. These innovations could ultimately be the fuel that propels your business to new heights.

Remember to step back. Take the pulse. Think critically. Analyze. Put your ego aside.

You got this.

Ken is the chief strategist at Doorbell Digital Marketing, loves ranting on the internet and thinks of his company more like an ant than a unicorn.

SEE ALSO: 9 small habits that can help you get more done

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