Instant Alert: It sounds like reporters had a wild time at the South Carolina strip club where porn star Stormy Daniels started a tour

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It sounds like reporters had a wild time at the South Carolina strip club where porn star Stormy Daniels started a tour

by Allan Smith on Jan 22, 2018, 10:33 AM


  • Reporters descended on a South Carolina strip club over the weekend to catch an appearance from porn star Stormy Daniels.
  • Some of those journalists had a wild time at the Greenville, South Carolina, club, according to their accounts from the scene.

A handful of reporters from major publications visited an airport strip club in South Carolina last weekend to catch an appearance from porn star Stormy Daniels, who has recently become a fixture in the endless, chaotic news cycle surrounding President Donald Trump.

And, according to the reports, it sounds like some of those journalists had a pretty wild time at the Greenville, South Carolina, establishment.

As The Washington Post's Dan Zak tweeted after the event, one reporter "put his face in Stormy's cleavage."

"I smell like an ash tray," he tweeted Sunday. "Also, I feel like one. Also, director's cut of the story involved a journalist who got kicked out because she was secretly filming Stormy with her phone, and another journalist who put his face in Stormy's cleavage."

Meanwhile, The New York Times' Matt Flegenheimer reported that a member of the media took a private dance with a stripper in a back room at the club.

"Dancers pawed playfully at their prey, flipping their hair at patrons like a fishing line," he wrote. "'All right — one,' a member of the news media relented eventually, disappearing for a few minutes as a dancer led him to a back room. She returned a short while later to flip her hair at the other scribes."

Reporters descended on the South Carolina location with hopes of being able to interview Daniels, who reportedly received a $130,000 payment prior to the 2016 presidential election to keep quiet about an alleged 2006 sexual encounter she had with Trump at a Lake Tahoe celebrity golf tournament.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, did not provide the reporters with much information during the initial appearance on her "Make America Horny Again Tour."

"Nobody wants to be seen with me right now," she said, per The Times. The report said the 38-year-old responded to a number of Trump-related questions "with a wordless grin and a shaking head."

Just days earlier, the celebrity gossip magazine InTouch published a 2011 interview with Daniels in which she detailed that 2006 encounter.

SEE ALSO: Porn star Stormy Daniels says Trump made Ben Roethlisberger 'take care' of her after sexual encounter

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