Instant Alert: Trump calls on Republicans to 'finally take control' of the Russia investigation

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Trump calls on Republicans to 'finally take control' of the Russia investigation

by Sonam Sheth on Jan 10, 2018, 11:24 AM


  • President Donald Trump unloaded on a Democratic senator and the Russia investigation in a series of tweets on Wednesday.
  • He said that what "Sneaky" Sen. Dianne Feinstein did by releasing the transcript of the Senate Judiciary Committee's full interview with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson was "a disgrace."
  • He also reiterated in another tweet that there was "no collusion" with Russia, and called on Republicans to "finally take control."

President Donald Trump unleashed on Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, on Wednesday.

Feinstein on Tuesday released the full transcript of the committee's interview with Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of the opposition research firm that produced the explosive dossier detailing alleged ties between Trump and Russia.  

"The fact that Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, who has on numerous occasions stated that collusion between Trump/Russia has not been found, would release testimony in such an underhanded and possibly illegal way, totally without authorization, is a disgrace," Trump tweeted. "Must have tough Primary!"

There was significant infighting among Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee over whether to release the transcript. Things escalated last week, when Sens. Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham referred Christopher Steele, the author of the Trump-Russia dossier, to the Department of Justice for possible criminal charges. 

The criminal referral urged the DOJ to examine whether Steele made false statements to the FBI "about the distribution of claims" contained in the dossier.

Feinstein said at the time, "I wasn't consulted about this referral, nor were any of my Democratic colleagues."

On Monday, Democratic Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse and Richard Blumenthal sent a letter to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the committee's chairman, calling on him to release the transcript of the committee's interview with Simpson, but Grassley refused to do so. Shortly after, Feinstein released the transcript. 

Trump added on Wednesday that "the single greatest Witch Hunt in American history continues," referring to the Russia investigation.

"There was no collusion, everybody including the Dems knows there was no collusion, & yet on and on it goes," he wrote on Twitter. "Russia & the world is laughing at the stupidity they are witnessing. Republicans should finally take control!"

The Republican Party currently controls all three branches of government. 

Trump frequently rails against the Russia investigation, of which he's a subject of scrutiny. In addition to looking into whether members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to tilt the election in his favor. special counsel Robert Mueller is also examining whether Trump sought to obstruct justice when he fired FBI director James Comey last May. 

SEE ALSO: Fusion GPS: Author of Trump-Russia dossier thought Trump 'was being blackmailed' by Russia

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