Instant Alert: Trump reportedly set to deliver a 'very carrot-and-stick' address to billionaires and world leaders at Davos

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Trump reportedly set to deliver a 'very carrot-and-stick' address to billionaires and world leaders at Davos

by Alex Lockie on Jan 10, 2018, 7:37 AM


President Donald Trump is heading to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to deliver a shocking address to world leaders and the international billionaire class, according to Axios's Mike Allen.

Trump will give "a very carrot-and-stick message," according to Allen, who cited a senior administration official. He will reportedly reaffirm the US's alliances and tout his tax cuts, but also make a case that the US has been mistreated, and perhaps ripped off by growing globalization.

"A lot of people in these venues aren't used to that," the official told Allen, referencing the billionaires and world leaders that attend the forum. 

Essentially, Trump's Davos speech promises to deliver more of the same campaign rhetoric from Trump, and more calls for international actors to play by the rules.

It could contrast with Chinese President Xi Jinping's 2017 address to Davos. He offered a fierce defense of globalism in the days before Trump's inauguration and warned countries to "refrain from pursuing their own interests at the expense of others." Allen expects Trump to double down on his "America First" rhetoric. 

SEE ALSO: How China took the spotlight in Davos last year

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