Instant Alert: Most people only see part of a flight attendants' job — here are the behind-the-scenes secrets you never knew

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Most people only see part of a flight attendants' job — here are the behind-the-scenes secrets you never knew

by Rachel Gillett on Feb 27, 2018, 3:45 PM

Day in the life of a flight attendant 2

  • Many flight attendant jobs happen behind the scenes and when you're not paying particular attention.
  • Business Insider shadowed Robert "Bingo" Bingochea, a Denver-based flight attendant for United Airlines, for a day to see what we're missing.
  • Take a look at what United flight attendants have to do to help get the plane in the air.


The next time you fly, try and take notice of what your flight attendants are up to. I guarantee you what you see isn't even half of it.

A flight attendant's job isn't simply showing you where to put your bags, giving safety demonstrations, and pushing beverage carts up and down the aisle.

In fact, much of a flight attendant's job happens before you even board the plane.

While every day on the job is different, there are a number of things flight attendants have to do behind the scenes to help get the plane off the ground and keep everything humming along smoothly throughout the flight.

To find out just what's going on that we don't get to see, Business Insider shadowed Robert "Bingo" Bingochea, a Denver-based flight attendant for United Airlines, who's been flying with the company for seven years, on his trip from Denver to Houston and back.

Here are some of the things you probably don't realize flight attendants are doing behind the scenes.

SEE ALSO: A day in the life of a United Airlines flight attendant, who woke up before 3 a.m. and ran circles around me for 9 hours

DON'T MISS: 11 insider facts most flight attendants know — and you probably don't

As a passenger, you won't ever see United's operations station, home of United's conference rooms, HR and IT departments, and Inflight Services, in Denver International Airport. We meet there to begin our journey together.

During check-in with Inflight Services, Bingochea lets the staff know he's physically there and ready to go. "They cover their bases because the plane has to be out," he says. "You can't be late. You can't be looking for coffee. You have to be there on time."

He can also find out more about his trip at check-in. But Bingochea says he never looks to see what crew members he's flying with. "I never do, because I'll fly with anybody. And a lot of people say, 'Well, I don't want to fly with so and so.' To me, that's just too much work," he says.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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