Japan has landed two hopping robots onto asteroid Ryugu as part of the...
Golf is steadily losing players. When the Sports & Fitness Industry...
Researchers at the University of Louisville's Kentucky Spinal Cord...
The US now ranks 27th in the world for its levels of healthcare and...
A leading government regulator could make selling e-cigarettes online...
Printable homes represent the latest wave in construction, but they're...
In October 2017, astronomers detected a strange, cigar-shaped object...
Seven years ago, developers from Ikea’s intellectual property...
A startup called Ambrosia Medical that charges $8,000 to fill your veins...
Engineers and manufacturers have been working to automate the...
There are no more Weight Watchers. The 55-year-old weight-loss...
New research shows mammal populations in Brazil's Atlantic Forest have...
The Dutch company Beladon is opening the world's first floating dairy...
Health experts are questioning the safety of the San Francisco Shipyard...
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