Instant Alert: Amazon pulls all Apple TV products from its site on the day it's made available

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Amazon pulls all Apple TV products from its site on the day it's made available

by Eugene Kim on Oct 30, 2015, 1:22 PM

Amazon made it official on Friday: All Apple TV and Google Chromecast products are now pulled from its online retail space, including its third-party marketplace.

The move coincidentally falls on the same day as the official launch of the new Apple TV for shipments and in-store pick ups.

If you look up Apple TV or Google Chromecast on Amazon now, you'll get recommendations to the Amazon Fire TV stick instead:

Amazon Apple TV Chromecast ban


When Amazon announced its decision to ban all Apple TV and Google Chromecast products from its site earlier this month, the company explained it was because they didn't "interact well" with Prime Video, Amazon's own video streaming service.

"Over the last three years, Prime Video has become an important part of Prime. It’s important that the streaming media players we sell interact well with Prime Video in order to avoid customer confusion. Roku, XBOX, PlayStation and Fire TV are excellent choices," Amazon statement said at the time.

But its move to ban two of the most popular TV streaming devices raised some eyebrows because Amazon also makes TV streaming devices that are in direct competition with them. Despite the controversy, it's unlikely that Amazon is violating any antitrust laws, Bloomberg reported.

SEE ALSO: The first reviews of the Apple TV are in and it sounds completely underwhelming

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