Instant Alert: 15 books world-famous CEOs think everyone should read in their lifetime

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15 books world-famous CEOs think everyone should read in their lifetime

by Mara Leighton on Jan 10, 2018, 10:00 AM

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There’s a reason the most successful people in our society are often the most voracious — or dogged — readers.

Think about how many new ideas you’re exposed to in the pages of a book, compared to days in a year of your life alone. Frequent readers are constantly engaged with new ways of thinking, alternate perspectives, and a habitual effort for self-betterment. None of these things are exactly hurdles to success.

In fact, when Warren Buffett was asked about the key to success, he pointed to a stack of books, saying "Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it."

And for those of you that will do it, here are the reading books those hyper successful people have recommended over the years, curated with quotes about why this pick exactly.

READ THIS: Here are 15 books that will help you succeed in the tech world

Bill Gates: "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City"

As Desmond puts it: "Eviction’s fallout is severe. Losing a home sends families to shelters, abandoned houses, and the street. It invites depression and illness, compels families to move into degrading housing in dangerous neighborhoods, uproots communities, and harms children. Eviction reveals people’s vulnerability and desperation, as well as their ingenuity and guts."

Melinda and I have been working for some time to learn more about how Americans move up the economic ladder (what experts call mobility from poverty). "Evicted" helped me understand one piece of that very complex question, and it made me want to learn more about the systemic problems that make housing unaffordable, as well as the various government programs designed to help. Read his full comments here.

Source: gatesnotes

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Warren Buffett: "The Intelligent Investor"

By far, the best book on investing ever written. To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information, What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework. This book precisely and clearly prescribes the proper framework. You must provide the emotional discipline.

Source: Business Insider

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Jeff Bezos: "The Remains of the Day"

If you read "The Remains of the Day," which is one of my favorite books, you can’t help but come away and think, I just spent 10 hours living an alternate life and I learned something about life and about regret.

Source: Newsweek

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