Instant Alert: Stormy Daniels' lawyer says the porn star was 'physically threatened' to keep quiet about her alleged affair with Trump

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Stormy Daniels' lawyer says the porn star was 'physically threatened' to keep quiet about her alleged affair with Trump

by Bryan Logan on Mar 16, 2018, 6:03 PM


  • The lawyer representing the porn star Stormy Daniels says his client was "physically threatened" to keep quiet about her alleged sexual affair with Donald Trump.
  • Michael Avenatti made that assertion on Friday, but he did not identify exactly who threatened Daniels, or what the threat entailed.
  • Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is suing Trump over a 2016 agreement in which she received $130,000 to remain silent about her alleged affair with Trump that she says began in 2006. She wants the agreement voided so she can speak freely about her experience.

The lawyer representing Stormy Daniels made a bombshell assertion about the porn star's agreement not to speak publicly about a sexual affair she says she had with Donald Trump. Michael Avenatti said Daniels was "physically threatened" to keep quiet about the alleged 2006 affair.

Avenatti did not specify who made that threat, or what it entailed.

His comments on Friday follow weeks of scandal and intrigue surrounding the story. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, entered an agreement with Trump and his attorneys in 2016, in which she received $130,000 to stay silent about her accusations.

Since that agreement was executed, the careers of multiple high-profile public figures — in politics, tech, entertainment, sports, and other industries — have crumbled amid allegations of sexual misconduct, sparking the so-called "Me Too" movement, which has empowered victims of sexual misconduct to share their stories.

Clifford is now seeking to void her "hush agreement" with Trump, and has offered to return the $130,000 so she can speak publicly about her experience with Trump.

Clifford is scheduled to appear on the CBS newsmagazine, "60 Minutes" on March 25.

Trump has not directly addressed Clifford's accusations, but White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says he denies the claims.

Watch Avenatti's interview below:

SEE ALSO: Trump is reportedly 'very unhappy' with Sarah Huckabee Sanders for how she responded to questions about Stormy Daniels

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