[The Complete WealthTech Research Collection] Everything you need to know...

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Exponentially raise your understanding of wealthtech and boost the efficiency of your firm with this collection.
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Get Your Digital Strategy Right—Or Get Left Behind
The centuries-old wealth management industry has never been more competitive than it is today.

Clients are demanding constant communication, better tools, and more convenient apps. New Fintech start-ups are forcing every type of firm to reevaluate their offerings and raise their game.

More competition for clients means greater pressure than ever before to provide performance that exceeds the market averages.

Moreover, the financial markets are unforgiving and unpredictable, confounding even the smartest advisors.

But there is a way for you to serve your clients more effectively, cope with all the new regulations that are coming your way, and run your entire organization more efficiently so that you grow even in the face of all these challenges.

WealthTech can provide the edge you need.

WealthTech—the application of digital processes and methods to solve wealth management problems—can transform your firm from one that's under siege to one that's seizing opportunities.

Digital technology is transforming every aspect of our lives, but is your wealth management firm using technology in the right ways?

Getting your digital strategy right is no longer an option. It's a necessity. Wealth managers who don't leverage the capabilities of today's digital technologies aren't just missing out on opportunities. They are slowly but surely dooming their entire organization.

So how do you tap into the best new digital innovations without wasting time and money?

You could invest thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in doing your own research on what other firms are delivering, but you'd probably miss out on where the real innovation is happening, or draw the wrong conclusions from flashy features that just don't move the needle.

OR…you could get an up-to-minute analysis of the most important new digital strategies, methods and tactics...
The Complete WealthTech Research Collection
The acknowledged leaders in the field of wealth management research, MyPrivateBanking, have put together the ideal resource for wealth managers who want to employ digital technology to stay one step ahead of the competition.

For the first time, MyPrivateBanking has bundled their most important research on how your firm can not only form a strategy for maximizing digital technology, but also how to implement your strategy. Their research will show you how to keep your eye on what's important, navigate new regulations, choose vendors to partner with, and much more.

The Complete WealthTech Collection guides you to successful implementation of the most critical digital technology applications for the next decade:

  • Transforming wealth management from an analog business to a digital one
  • Using Big Data to enhance the service, efficiency and profitability of wealth managers
  • Transitioning from traditional account aggregation methods to digital account aggregation
  • Deploying chatbots to enhance every aspect of the advisor/client relationship

No matter what type of wealth management your firm conducts, it can benefit from access to this valuable intelligence about how to build digital relationships with financial clients.
The Solution For Every Financial Firm Struggling With Technology
You'll find this research collection is superior to any other research on digital transformation of wealth managers:

  • Depth of research—each element of the The Complete WealthTech Research Collection has scores of insights, revelations and facts that add up to literally hundreds of ways for you to improve the effectiveness of your digital ecosystem.
  • Global scope—the researchers behind the reports examined both the current digital efforts of dozens of wealth managers, plus the capabilities of scores of digital vendors, consultants and Fintech firms around the world.
  • Expert analysis—the authors of these materials have decades of experience in the financial services industry and have spent hundreds of hours researching the intersection of the digital world and the financial world to give you insights you'd never come up with on your own.
  • Honest evaluation—the authors not only praise companies that are getting digitalization right, they call out the firms that are falling behind.
  • Tremendous value—order today and you save 70% off ordering each component of the The Complete WealthTech Research Collection separately

Here's what you get when you choose The Complete WealthTech Research Collection:
1. Wealth Advisor Digitalization—How to Make Advisors More Efficient, Compliant and Client-Friendly
Wealth Advisor Digitalization gives you a panoramic overview of fast-changing digital landscape and how creating both dangers and opportunities for wealth managers.

This 60-page report is the result of not only the author's informed analysis, but in-depth interviews with over two-dozen key players who are leading the digital transformation of the wealth management industry.

Thanks to these experts' wide range of experiences and insights (interviewees came from 13 firms, from around the globe, from CEOs on down), you'll understand how the digitalization of core wealth advisor functions can increase productivity, compliance and client satisfaction.

Just a small sample of this report's discoveries include:

  • Why 7 impending major financial industry regulations are an even greater driver of digitalization than potential productivity gains
  • The truth about how digitalization can significantly increase the effectiveness of client/advisor interactions
  • Why digital communications will never replace face-to-face meetings (but they can broaden and deepen a relationship)
  • The thorny problem of financial planning and the unlikelihood that it will ever be digitized in a meaningful way
  • 4 major dangers of poorly-implemented digitalization that could sabotage your entire firm's future
  • 9 major advantages that smart-digitizers can realize over their analog-only competitors
  • 6 smart principles for managing the growth of your digital initiatives
  • 5 specific recommendations for any digitization project
  • Dozens of valuable insights and recommendations to use digitalization to improve your compliance, product design, marketing and customer education efforts

This report on its own is worth the price of the entire package, but you get so much more when you purchase the The Complete WealthTech Research Collection.
2. Big Data for Wealth Management—A Practical Guide for Successful Implementation
Big Data projects have great potential for wealth managers—the promise of being able to find quality prospects more easily, understand clients more holistically, market to them more effectively, and retain them for longer is no doubt why so many Big Data projects are launched in the first place.

But 8 out of 10 Big Data projects for wealth managers fail to meet their objectives—a tremendous waste of time and money. So how do you make sure you're among the 20% of successes?

Whether you're contemplating a new Big Data initiative in the months to come or you've already got one in place that's failing to deliver what you want, the Big Data for Wealth Management report is exactly what you've been looking for.

In just 78 pages, this invaluable report breaks down everything you need to know to launch a winning Big Data strategy or turn around a failing one. In addition to helpful tools like a Statistics Primer for Wealth Managers, a Scorecard to help you determine if your imagined project will accomplish its goals, and a quick-reference guide to 30 Big Data vendors, this report reveals:

  • The basics of Big Data, including the "4 V's" of Big Data, different types of data and analytics available, how to measure success and ROI, and much more
  • The critical reasons why Big Data projects most often underwhelm
  • The "5 Key Needs" any Big Data project must address if it is to pay off for a wealth management firm
  • How Big Data can boost the satisfaction and retention of existing customers
  • Why acquisition of new customers is ideally suited for Big Data applications
  • The surprising ways that Big Data can increase advisor effectiveness and efficiency
  • The game-changing effect Big Data can have on your compliance regime
  • How Big Data can transform your entire digital ecosystem
  • 10 key strategic takeaways for any Big Data project
  • Profiles of 30 top Big Data vendors (including a vendor suitability index to match your needs with their capabilities)
  • And much more
3. Digital Account Aggregation in Wealth Management
There's a perfect storm brewing for digital account aggregation in wealth management. Clients want to access all their financial accounts from various institutions in one place. Wealth managers want to provide a holistic picture of a client's entire financial situation. And new regulations that mandate greater transparency of the sort make digital account aggregation a natural result.

The Digital Account Aggregation in Wealth Management report is the blueprint you need to not only understand the benefits and drawbacks of digital account aggregation today, but also how this process will evolve over the next decade.

This 86-page report explores:

  • The status, trends and drivers in account aggregation in the US, Europe and Asia
  • The strengths and weaknesses in current automated account aggregation in retail banking and wealth management.
  • The 3 main drivers of digital account integration
  • Three recommendations for how to implement account integration into your overall digital strategy
  • How digital account aggregation actually works—pluses and minuses of the two main methods
  • Why wealth managers can realize significant tangible benefits from digital account integration
  • How new regulations (especially Europe's PSD2) will force even the most change-resistant financial firms to embrace digital account integration
  • How blockchains work and how they could help (or harm) the drive for digital account integration
  • The seven main factors (both hard and soft) that are making account integration more important than ever before
  • Case studies and breakdowns of 8 leading digital account integration vendors
  • Dozens of valuable observations and recommendations to help you do digital account integration right

While many mobile app experiences substandard today, this report provides a roadmap to improvement on every page.
4. Chatbots for Wealth Management and Banking
Chatbots are making major inroads into businesses of all types, and wealth management is no exception. Chatbots equipped with the right artificial intelligence programming can lead intelligent conversations with clients that can provide surprising value to the client, in addition to freeing up the wealth manager and his staff to focus on higher-leverage activities. Some experts speculate that chatbots may even replace many of the functions of websites and mobile apps within 5 years, so your firm must understand both where chatbots are today and where they're going tomorrow.

In the wealth management sphere, chatbots are already deployed that can tackle complex tasks like:

  • Customer Service—client onboarding, risk-profiling
  • Content Provision—search, personalized content
  • Financial Assistance—account inquiries, portfolio information
  • Financial Advice—alerts, recommendations
  • Transactions—trades, rebalancing

The Chatbots for Wealth Management and Banking Report explains not only the tremendous promise of chatbots in today's fast-paced environment, but also the potential drawbacks. Whether your company is only starting to think about using chatbots or already has a strategy in place and wants to improve it, this report is an invaluable guide.

In its 139 pages, this report reveals:

  • The four powerful forces that are fueling the chatbot explosion
  • The six qualitative and quantitative benefits of a successful chatbot strategy
  • An honest appraisal of the considerable security and privacy issues that chatbots raise
  • The six "must-do" steps to creating a successful chatbot strategy
  • The 5 critical roles that chatbots can perform for your firm and how they can not only save you time and money but improve the customer experience
  • Surprising insights about the potential for chatbots from the state of the art chatbot users in other industries
  • 5 strategic recommendations to improve your existing chatbots or launch a successful program from scratch
  • Dozens of valuable observations and recommendations drawn from profiles of 26 chatbots in use by wealth managers today, plus an analysis of 8 leading chatbot vendors

As valuable as all this data and analysis is, perhaps the most outstanding feature of The Complete WealthTech Research Collection is this:
You Can Save 70% Off the Price of Buying Each Element Separately
If purchased individually, the elements of The Complete WealthTech Research Collection would cost $11,300:

Wealth Advisor Digitalization - (Report plus Key Insights executive summary): $2,800
Big Data for Wealth Management - (Report plus 4 bonus supplements, scorecards and appendices): $2,800
Digital Account Aggregation in Wealth Management - (Report plus Key Insights executive summary): $2,800
Chatbots for Wealth Management and Banking - (Report plus Key Insights executive summary): $2,900

But through this special offer, you pay less than half that amount—just $3,400 for this valuable research.

You can gain access to exponentially raise your understanding of wealthtech and boost the efficiency of your firm with this collection. Get it now and save 70% by clicking the button below.

Get The Complete WealthTech Research Collection »
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