Tabletop Simulator Newsletter - Autumn 2015

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Tabletop Simulator Newsletter - Sept/Oct 2015

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Welcome to another month of excitement and board gaming!

Since we took a couple days off for a mini break at the end of September, we decided to combine this newsletter into both September and October.

A lot of great new additions have been added to Tabletop Simulator in the last month. The Weekly Posts have been changed to The Scoop to bring you more upcoming news every other Friday instead of every week. In addition, the almost daily news with the Community Spotlight and Did You Know…? have been getting great feedback.

If you'd like to keep track of our community posts, then follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
We have partnered with Future Pastimes to bring Cosmic Encounter in Tabletop Simulator as our second official DLC after Superfight ! Cosmic Encounter Connector, the digital version of the Fantasy Flight Games version, released on Steam on September 9, 2015 . This currently is just the base game for 3-5 players, but the expansions will be coming in the future.

We also just recently announced our partnership with Stonemaier Games to bring Euphoria: Build a better Dystopia in as our third official DLC! You can read up on Euphoria on their official website:



We are also working with other companies to bring their great games into Tabletop Simulator. We have 6 other confirmed publishers that we'll be working with. It's an exciting time!



This month in review focuses on both September and October. A lot of exciting new things have been added and there's even more to come!


Update v5.6 brought in our new Vector Tool! We already had the Pixel Drawing Tool, but based on our community's feedback, we wanted to add in a tool that was more clear and precise. Not just that, but you can also use the Vector tool to draw on locked objects, so it's not just limited to the table any longer. There are some other things we'd like to add like being able to choose a different color (without switching seats) and many other options.


Some improvements in general include adding 2 more difficulty levels to the Jigsaw Puzzles (180 and 320 pieces), revamped the contextual menu to a new look and feel, and improved the hidden areas by adding the options to hide pointers, reverse hiding, and making the hidden area solid.

Update v5.7 brought in a realistic Mp3 Player with over 100 built in songs to choose from! We're hoping to add the ability for players to add in their own songs in the future.


More improvements to the Jigsaw Puzzle included a 'kid friendly' 20 piece option and ALT zoom working correctly on the pieces.


And finally, more options were added to the new contextual menu like toggles for Grid, Auto raise, Sticky. Sticky is a new option that allows you to place objects on top of one another and move them without any issues like the top object falling through. These are on by default to make it easier for you, but can be disabled per object if you don't want them to stick.

Update v5.8 brought in Custom Bags, where you can create your own loot bags like the ones we have in game, the new Steam Controller support (it's awesome!), and 2D Portraits where you can show off your Steam avatar as a "seat" behind your name. If you don't want to see these, no problem! You can disable it in the configuration menu.


What else did we add? Well, we improved on the Jigsaw Puzzles where you can now choose to show the image on the board or not. If you want to make it more difficult, simply remove it. We added a cool new puzzle box that shows what your image is supposed to look like, just like in real life!


Update v5.9 rounds out this month with the addition of the calculator. You can now calculate everything you desire without having to leave the game. We also added your Steam avatar icons next to your names on the top left where you can click on them to add people as your friends.



We improved on the Vector Drawing Tool by giving you the ability to change the color of your pencil to ANY without having to change seats.



There's a lot of improvements and fixes that we worked on these past few months, so we hope you like the changes! And as always there is still a lot more in the works. Expect some exciting things in Update v6.0!


Original Game: Gloomhaven is a game of Euro-inspired tactical combat in a persistent world of shifting motives. Players will take on the role of a wandering mercenary with their own special set of skills and their own reasons for travelling to this dark corner of the world.

Gloomhaven is a gorgeous game and was very successful in their Kickstarter raising over $380,000. If you missed out on it, you can still pre-order it here:

You can try out the 1st scenario on our Workshop here:

Official website:


Before we had the cool Vector Drawing Tool, we had the Pixel Drawing Tool and it was amazing what people were still able to do without the clean lines of the Vector Tool. Community members JohnDear, Minehermit, and Cluddy had a lot of fun with this one!



Community members PancakeWhisperer, jake, BarkingBULLDOG, and Hans Das Booty took the Pixel Drawing Tool and made something so simple, yet so intriguing. Four perfect shapes connected that it almost looks like a flag. Neat!



Halloween is coming up soon, so stay safe, wear cool costumes and eat lots of candy (or don't!). See you next month!


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