I just spent a day hanging out with teenagers — here are the apps they say are cool now

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Tech Select
November 29, 2015
I just spent a day hanging out with teenagers — here are the apps they say are cool now I just spent a day hanging out with teenagers — here are the apps they say are cool now

At 23 years old, I'm already out of the loop. This has never been... Read»
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Melinda Gates fell in love with Bill Gates for his 'brilliant mind' and 'huge sense of fun'
Melinda Gates fell in love with Bill Gates for his 'brilliant mind' and 'huge sense of fun'
It's taken Melinda Gates years to get comfortable in the public...  Read»
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9 emails that show Hillary Clinton struggles with tech like the rest of us
9 emails that show Hillary Clinton struggles with tech like the rest of us
Everyone deals with annoying technology (and those LinkedIn spam...  Read»
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Zynga CEO Mark Pincus defends Marissa Mayer
Zynga CEO Mark Pincus defends Marissa Mayer
After a string of news reports in the past few weeks about the rising...  Read»
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Facebook envisions that one day you'll like its ads so much that you'd be sad if they left
As you scrolled past the various Turkey Trot selfies and declarations of...  Read»
Samsung TVs, Apple Watches, iPads, Xbox Ones sell like crazy to Black Friday online shoppers
Increasingly, consumers are opting to do Black Friday from the...  Read»
The new 'Star Wars' movie includes a tribute to a young girl who died of cancer
The new "Star Wars" movie will include a pink robot that was created by...  Read»
7 overseas fashion tech startups spent a week with Google in London — we got to join them
7 overseas fashion tech startups spent a week with Google in London — we got to join them
Seven overseas fashion tech startups cosied up with Google in London...  Read»
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A London startup CEO explains how she uses LinkedIn to poach top employees from companies like Bloomberg
A London startup CEO explains how she uses LinkedIn to poach top employees from companies like Bloomberg
The CEO of a healthcare startup says she has come up with a formula to...  Read»
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The 32 best people in UK tech to follow on Twitter
The 32 best people in UK tech to follow on Twitter
Sure, you get your tech news from Twitter, but who do you follow for...  Read»
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Here's why a major bank is using Facebook to replace company emails
Here's why a major bank is using Facebook to replace company emails
The Royal Bank of Scotland is making Facebook at Work, the latest...  Read»
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