Instant Alert: The 30 most important deaths in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked by how sad they were

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The 30 most important deaths in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked by how sad they were

by Travis Clark on Mar 14, 2018, 9:42 AM


The Marvel Cinematic Universe has shied away from killing off major characters.

Even in "Captain America: Civil War," when James Rhodes/War Machine is shot down, he is paralyzed rather than killed.

But that doesn't mean there haven't been notable deaths. Business Insider looked back at the MCU and found 30 major deaths, which we then ranked from least sad to most. It should come as no surprise that most of the villain deaths are ranked toward the bottom.

We excluded characters that died, but were eventually resurrected — Agent Phil Coulson died in "The Avengers," but came back in Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." television show on ABC, and Bucky Barnes died in "Captain America: The First Avenger," but has since returned as the Winter Soldier.

We'll see if any of our favorite characters meet an end when "Avengers: Infinity War" comes to theaters next month.

SEE ALSO: The 7 biggest questions we had after watching Marvel's 'Black Panther,' and hope are answered in the sequel

30. Malekith ("Iron Man 2")

Cause of death: Crushed by his own ship. 

In a recent interview with The Guardian, actor Christopher Eccleston opened up about filming "Thor: The Dark World," and said it was like a "gun in your mouth." Perhaps it's a good thing his character dies.

29. Ultron ("Avengers: Age of Ultron")

Cause of death: Vision destroys his last remaining body after a fight with the Avengers.

Hard to feel anything for a genocidal robot.

28. The Red Skull ("Captain America: The First Avenger")

Cause of death: Incinerated by the Tesseract.

Sorry, Red Skull, but we're not going to feel sorry for a Nazi. The Skull is incinerated when he handles the Tesseract, one of the Infinity Stones that Thanos is after in the upcoming "Avengers: Infinity War."

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