Instant Alert: These 15 photos show how Stephen Hawking defied his disability and lived an incredible life

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These 15 photos show how Stephen Hawking defied his disability and lived an incredible life

by Kieran Corcoran on Mar 14, 2018, 10:05 AM


Stephen Hawking, the most famous scientist in living memory, was supposed to die in his early twenties before having the chance to achieve any great distinction, at the hands of motor neurone disease.

Instead, he was awarded a PhD from Cambridge, a series of professorships, met presidents, popes, appeared on "The Simpsons" four times, and travelled to the edges of space.

He died on March 14, 2018, at the age of 76. These photographs give a taste of the incredible life he lived. 

Hawking was diagnosed with motor neurone disease when he was in his 20s, studying physics at Cambridge. Despite predictions that he would die within a few years, he completed his PhD, and kept going for another five decades. Here's a page of his PhD, which was published online last year.

Hawking also gave lectures and presentations that expanded the minds of millions of people. Here he is at the University of Geneva in 2009, explaining the big bang.

Hawking stayed involved in the cutting edge of physics throughout his life. Here he is with CERN's Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.


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