The most critically acclaimed TV shows in history have earned their...
Many of the worst television shows originate from some highly...
On Friday, MoviePass sent an email to subscribers — some of whom...
One of China's most well-known actresses has been missing since July 1...
"Black Mirror" season 5 is expected to come to Netflix in December...
IMDB, which is owned by Amazon, is reportedly readying its very own...
Kevin Spacey is being sued for false imprisonment and sexual battery in...
New titles come and go on Netflix every week, but choosing what to...
Kanye West's next album, "Yandhi," was scheduled to drop on Saturday...
Peak TV is too much TV. But we're here to make it easier to pick what...
"The Nun" continued its worldwide win streak over the weekend, claiming...
The Kevin Hart-Tiffany Haddish comedy "Night School" wins the weekend...
Stories are not always sunshine and rainbows. Oftentimes you need to...
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