Instant Alert: Justin Bieber stormed off stage after one song at a show in Oslo

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Justin Bieber stormed off stage after one song at a show in Oslo

by Stephen Parkhurst and Tony Manfred on Oct 30, 2015, 2:35 PM

Justin Bieber criticized the crowd before walking off stage after one song at a performance in Norway on Thursday night.

Bieber was attempting to clean something up with a towel when he got frustrated with the fans in the first row.

"Guys, you, listen to me. Are you listening?" he said. "Never mind, I'm done. I'm not doing the show."

In an Instagram post later that night, he apologized to the fans who were listening to him.

"Sadly it's Been a rough week for me, long days no sleep, while having to be "on" as they would say for cameras fans etc. In no way did I mean to come across mean, but chose to end the show as the people in the front row would not listen," he wrote.

Story by Tony Manfred, editing by Stephen Parkhurst

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