Instant Alert: 9 emails that show Hillary Clinton struggles with tech like the rest of us

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9 emails that show Hillary Clinton struggles with tech like the rest of us

by Biz Carson on Nov 29, 2015, 8:00 AM


Everyone deals with annoying technology (and those LinkedIn spam messages), but few ever have those emails of frustration released to the public.

Since May, the State Department has been releasing Hillary Clinton's emails from when she served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. During that time, the tech-savvy Clinton had created a private email server in her home and used a personal email for some of her official government business. A court ordered that those emails needed to be released as a matter of public record.

When you're trying to help run the country, though, you're bound to run into a few technical problems along the way.

While many of the now-public emails are dealing with the day-to-day work of being Secretary of State, there are several gems — like a fight over a fax machine — that show how Clinton deals with the struggles of technology like the rest of us.

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Sometimes you can't find the radio station.

Or figure out how to operate a fax machine.

Sometimes the White House operators just don't believe who you say you are. (Although this one admittedly is likely more unique to Clinton than the rest of us.)


See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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