Instant Alert: Obama has a great explanation for why politics is like football

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Obama has a great explanation for why politics is like football

by Peter Jacobs on Dec 31, 2015, 8:20 AM


President Barack Obama was the latest guest on Jerry Seinfeld's web series "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee," in which the commander in chief held his own with the professional funnyman.

At one point in their discussion, published online Wednesday night, Seinfeld asked Obama what sport is most comparable to politics.

"Is it chess, is it liar's poker?" Seinfeld asked.

After some thought, the president said it was like football and launched into a detailed explanation of the similarities between the two.

Here's what Obama's said:

It's probably most like football, because a lot of players, a lot of specialization, a lot of hitting ... A lot of attrition. But then every once in a while, you'll see an opening.

You hit the line, you get one yard. You try a play, you get sacked. Now it's like, 3rd and 15. You have to punt a lot.

But every once in a while, you'll see a hole. And then there's open field.

The full episode is worth a watch. You can check it out here >>

SEE ALSO: President Obama is laugh-out-loud funny on Jerry Seinfeld's web show about cars and coffee

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