Instant Alert: Trump: Hillary Clinton 'probably' orchestrated meeting between Bill Clinton and attorney general

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Trump: Hillary Clinton 'probably' orchestrated meeting between Bill Clinton and attorney general

by Maxwell Tani on Jul 1, 2016, 9:17 AM


Donald Trump is using a meeting between former President Bill Clinton and current Attorney General Loretta Lynch to blast Hillary Clinton

In a series of tweets Friday morning, the New York businessman said the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee "probably" suggested the meeting in order to gain more favorable terms in the FBI's probe into her use of a private email server. 

Trump did not provide evidence to support the claim. 

"As Bernie Sanders said, Hillary Clinton has bad judgement. Bill's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary!" Trump wrote, referencing one of Sanders' jabs at Clinton during the Democratic presidential primary.

In recent days, Trump has used the meeting to undermine trust in the Clintons.

In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, the real-estate mogul said that the meeting had surprised him.

"When I first heard that yesterday afternoon, I actually thought they were joking," Trump said. "I'm flabbergasted by it."

For her part, Lynch said that she and the former president chatted about their grandchildren and golf, and did not discuss the probe into Hillary Clinton's email practices.

Democrats have defended the meeting, saying that they trust Lynch.

"She's an honorable person. She has said that nothing was discussed related to the investigation," Sen. Chuck Schumer said, according to the Huffington Post. "So you have two choices: To say this didn't matter, or she's lying. I think it didn't matter. I don't think she's lying."

But in a sign of increasing pressure, on Friday, the Justice department indicated that Lynch would honor the recommendation of the FBI and career prosecutors in deciding whether to indict Hillary Clinton.


SEE ALSO: The author of a new tell-all book about the Clintons is struggling to explain holes in his story

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