Instant Alert: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says the company is working on ways to fight Trump's immigration ban

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Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says the company is working on ways to fight Trump's immigration ban

by Matt Weinberger on Jan 30, 2017, 5:03 PM


Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says that the company has reached out to Congress to fight President Donald Trump's recent and much-criticized executive action on immigration, according to a company-wide e-mail obtained by The Verge.

"This executive order is one we do not support. Our public policy team in D.C. has reached out to senior administration officials to make our opposition clear. We’ve also reached out to congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle to explore legislative options," Bezos wrote in that e-mail, his first public statement on the immigration order.

On Friday, President Trump signed an executive order for "new vetting measures" that brought in sweeping changes to the US refugee program and blocked citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the country for at least 90 days — even people who already have visas and legal permits to live in the United States.

The countries affected are Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

Earlier on Monday, Amazon and Expedia announced that they would be supporting a Washington state effort to challenge the immigration order in court. "From the very beginning, Amazon has been committed to equal rights, tolerance and diversity—and we always will be," Amazon VP of HR Beth Galatti wrote in a memo to employees over the weekend.

Business Insider has reached out to Amazon for additional comment and will update when we hear back.

SEE ALSO: Amazon will support Washington state as it challenges Trump's immigration order in court

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