Instant Alert: Here are the 12 business leaders Trump hosted for his first big White House meeting

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Here are the 12 business leaders Trump hosted for his first big White House meeting

by Richard Feloni on Jan 23, 2017, 12:52 PM


President Donald Trump, in his first big meeting, sat down with 12 CEOs of the United States' largest companies.

He told the group — which included SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, Ford CEO Mark Fields, and Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson — that his administration would be prioritizing corporate tax cuts and decreasing regulation, following up on his "America First" campaign promise.

He also repeated his threat to impose a "border tax" on companies that move production outside the US.

"There will be advantages to companies that do indeed make their products here," Trump said.

Here's who sat at the table in the Roosevelt Room Monday morning:

SEE ALSO: TRUMP: We're going to 'cut regulation by 75%' and impose a 'very major border tax'

Elon Musk — CEO and CTO of SpaceX; CEO of Tesla Motors; Chairman of Solar City; Co-chairman of OpenAI

Trump is a big fan of Musk, the tireless head of some of the most ambitious renewable energy companies in the US, naming Musk to his Strategic and Policy Forum and inviting him to a meeting with tech leaders in December.

"The President-elect has a strong emphasis on US manufacturing and so do we," Musk told Tesla investors in November, referring to Tesla's upcoming Gigafactory. "We are building the biggest factory in the world right here, creating US jobs. … I think we may see some surprising things from the next administration. We don't think they will be negative on fossil fuels … but they may also be positive on renewables."

Mark Fields — President and CEO of Ford Motor Company

Earlier this month, Fields announced that Ford would not be pursuing a proposed $1.6 billion production facility in Mexico that Trump had criticized during his campaign. Fields clarified that the move was because of the market and not Trump's remarks, but also noted, "We are encouraged by the pro-growth plans that President-elect Trump and the new Congress indicate they will pursue."

Ford is planning to invest $4.5 billion in electric and self-driving vehicles over the next five years.

Marillyn Hewson — Chairwoman, president, and CEO of Lockheed Martin

Hewson was the only female executive in attendance on Monday.

Trump called out Lockheed Martin on Twitter in December for excessive spending on the development of the advanced fighter jet, the F-35. Hewson then met with Trump to discuss.

In a statement following their meeting, she said that she personally promised Trump to aggressively cut costs on the F-35. "I know that President-elect Trump wants the very best capability for our military at the lowest cost for taxpayers, and we're ready to deliver!" she said.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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