Instant Alert: 11 things people who make great first impressions never do

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11 things people who make great first impressions never do

by Jeff Haden on Apr 29, 2016, 2:13 PM


While you meet a lot of people, occasionally you meet a person who stands out. She might be remarkably charismatic. He might be extremely charming and likable. She might be extremely confident, in a genuine and therefore positive way.

People who stand out for positive reasons aren't just memorable, though — they're also people we want to work with and do business with.

And that's why genuinely polite people stand out. (Not fake polite — sincere polite.) They make us feel comfortable. They make us feel respected and valued. We want to be more like them.

And we want to do business with them.

Here's what polite people never do — and what they do instead:

SEE ALSO: 16 things you should never say when you meet someone new

DON'T MISS: 19 things you should never say on your first day at work

1. They never stay in place

You're at a party. A friend gestures to someone several steps away and says, "Let me introduce you to Bob."

Bob sees you coming ... and he stands there, waiting for you to come to him in some weird power move.

Remarkably polite people, no matter how great their perceived status, step forward, smile, tilt their head slightly downward (a sign of respect in every culture), and act as if they are the one honored by the introduction, not you.

(When I met Mark Cuban, that is exactly what he did. He heard I wanted to meet him and immediately walked across the room — where I was waiting to see if it would be OK — to say hello. The fact I remember how gracious he was tells you everything you need to know about the impression that made.)

In short, polite people never "big time" you; instead, they always make you feel like you're big time.

2. They never call you what you don't ask to be called

You're at an event. You introduce yourself to me as Jonathan. We talk. Within minutes, I'm calling you John. Or Johnny. Or Jack. Or the J-man.

Maybe your friends call you J-man, but we're not friends (yet), and you definitely haven't given me permission to go full diminutive on you, much less full nickname.

Remarkably polite people wait to be asked to use a different, more familiar, name. They call you what you asked — or later ask — to be called because it's your right to be addressed in the way you wish to be addressed.

Anything less would be uncivilized.

3. They never touch unless they are touched first

Polite people wait for the other person to establish the nonsexual touch guidelines. (Handshakes excluded, of course.)

While I know that sounds like no one will ever hug or pat a shoulder or forearm because no one can ever go first, don't worry. Huggers hug. Patters pat. Backslappers slap. That's what they do.

Polite people go a step further: They never pat or squeeze or slap (in a good way), even if they are patted or squeezed or slapped. Sure, they hug back, but they don't reciprocate other forms of touch.

Why? Some people don't even realize they're touching you, but they definitely notice when you touch them. That makes them feel uncomfortable, and discomfort is the last way polite people want other people to feel.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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